Dezeen Awards 2022(UK)のPublic Voteで大賞に選ばれました!
Our project has won the Dezeen Awards 2022 public vote(UK)!!
弊社設計の「東鉄総合研修センター」サイン計画がDezeen AwardsのPublic Vote(一般投票)で「Graphic Design」部門で大賞に選ばれました!
Dezeen Awardsは世界で最も人気があり影響力のある建築・デザイン雑誌Dezeenが主催し、今回のPublic Voteは審査員による審査とは別に、Dezeen読者による投票で競われます。
Public Voteとは別に行われる審査員による最終審査結果は11月に発表予定となります。
We are excited to announce that our work, “TOTETSU Training Institute”, has won the Public Vote at the Dezeen Awards in the category of “Graphic Design”!
Dezeen Awards is organised by Dezeen, the world’s most popular and influential architecture and design magazine,
and the Public Vote is a separate competition from the jury, which is voted on by Dezeen readers.
This year over 55,000 votes were cast and our entry was able to win with 32% of the votes cast.
The level of the other entries was truly outstanding and we are filled with disbelief.
We are a very very small studio, and we had no expectations of winning in this kind of public voting competition.
I would like to thank everyone who voted.
The final results of the jury, which will be held separately from the Public Vote, will be announced in November.
NEWS事務所を移転しました。 Our studio has been relocated.
AWARD第23回CSデザイン賞にて準グランプリを受賞しました! Our project has won the Quasi-Grand Prix at the 23rd CS design award in JAPAN!!
AWARDロンドンのD&AD Awards 2024にてGraphiteペンシルを受賞しました! Our project has received the Graphite Pencil at the D&AD Awards 2024 in London!!
AWARDアメリカのInternational Design Awards 2023(IDA 2023)にてGOLDを受賞しました! Our project has received the GOLD Award at the International Design Awards 2023(IDA 2023) in the US!!