SKY DESIGN AWARDS 2022でショートリストに選出されました!
Our project was selected for the shortlist at SKY DESIGN AWARDS 2022!!
弊社設計の「東鉄総合研修センター」サイン計画がSky Design Awards 2022の「Interior Design」部門でショートリストに選出されました!
Fortunately, our work “TOTETSU Training Institute” has been selected as the SHORTLIST in the “Interior Design” category of Sky Design Awards 2022 was established by Merci Magazine, a company active in the design industry based in Toronto.
Sky Design Awards will be held by Mercy Magazine, which has continued activities to disseminate excellent designs to the world and revitalize the industry while being based in three different regions, CANADA, HONG KONG and JAPAN.
The Awards celebrate achievement in design excellence for projects that deliver meaningful social impact in the areas of architecture, interior design, visual art & graphic design, and industrial design.
The final result will be announced in December 2022.
AWARD日本サインデザイン賞 2024(SDA賞)で金賞2点、銅賞2点を受賞しました! Two GOLD and two BRONZE Awards were received at the Japan Sign Design Awards 2024(JAPAN)!!
NEWSwebサイトを更新しました We have updated our website.
AWARDAZ Awards 2024(CANADA)でPEOPLE’S CHOICE賞を受賞しました! Our project has been awarded THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE at AZ Awards 2024 in CANADA!!
NEWS事務所を移転しました。 Our studio has been relocated.