世界3大デザイン賞 iF DESIGN AWARD 2023(GERMANY)を受賞しました!
Our project has received the iF DESIGN AWARD!!
弊社設計の「東鉄総合研修センター」サイン計画が世界3大デザインアワードのiF DESIGN AWARD 2023(GERMANY)を受賞しました!
ハノーバー(独)を本拠地とするiF International Forum Designは、世界で最も長い歴史を持つ独立したデザイン団体で、毎年優れたデザインを選出し「iFデザインアワード」を授与しています。
今回の結果により、世界3大デザイン賞のであるiF DESIGN AWARD、Red Dot Design Award、International Design Excellence Awardsの3つ全てを受賞することができました。
We are super honoured that our work “TOTETSU Training Institute” has received the iF DESIGN AWARD!
We are very pleased to be chosen for the global award, which was our Big Goal.
We will continue to do our best to contribute to society with good design.
Each year, the world’s oldest independent design organization, Hannover-based iF International Forum Design GmbH, organizes the iF DESIGN AWARD.
TOTETSU Training Institute won the award through the judging 133-member jury of independent experts worldwide in the “Communication” category.
The competition was intense: almost 11,000 entries were submitted from 56 countries in hopes of receiving the seal of quality.
AWARD日本サインデザイン賞 2024(SDA賞)で金賞2点、銅賞2点を受賞しました! Two GOLD and two BRONZE Awards were received at the Japan Sign Design Awards 2024(JAPAN)!!
NEWSwebサイトを更新しました We have updated our website.
AWARDAZ Awards 2024(CANADA)でPEOPLE’S CHOICE賞を受賞しました! Our project has been awarded THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE at AZ Awards 2024 in CANADA!!
NEWS事務所を移転しました。 Our studio has been relocated.