Asia-Pacific Design Vol.19(APD 19)に作品が掲載されました!!
Our project has been featured in Asia-Pacific Design Vol.19(APD 19) by Sandu Publishing in China!!
中国の出版社Sandu Publishingより刊行されるAsia-Pacific Design Vol.19(APD 19)にて弊社設計の「東鉄総合研修センター」サイン計画が掲載されました。
Asia-Pacific Design (APD)は、2005年に設立されて以来、その使命を「アジア太平洋地域におけるプロフェッショナル・デザインのアーカイブとなること」とし、
Our project, “TOTETSU Training Institute”, has been featured in Asia-Pacific Design Vol.19(APD 19) by Sandu Publishing in China.
“Becoming an archive of professional design in the Asia-Pacific region” is the mission of the Asia-Pacific Design (APD) since its establishment in 2005, and it has lasted 18 years.
In 2023, the “Asia-Pacific Design 19”
takes “The Humanistic Value of Designers” as the theme to explore creativity, the core value of designers under the wave of emerging AI technologies.
The three multi-level and multi-dimensional programs present high-level works by designers from the Asia-Pacific region. The book contains a total of 458 outstanding works from 15 Asia-Pacific countries, 82 cities, and 284 design entities.
We hope you will take a look at the book.
AWARD日本サインデザイン賞 2024(SDA賞)で金賞2点、銅賞2点を受賞しました! Two GOLD and two BRONZE Awards were received at the Japan Sign Design Awards 2024(JAPAN)!!
NEWSwebサイトを更新しました We have updated our website.
AWARDAZ Awards 2024(CANADA)でPEOPLE’S CHOICE賞を受賞しました! Our project has been awarded THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE at AZ Awards 2024 in CANADA!!
NEWS事務所を移転しました。 Our studio has been relocated.