Asia-Pacific Design Vol.19(APD 19)に作品が掲載されました!!

Our project has been featured in Asia-Pacific Design Vol.19(APD 19) by Sandu Publishing in China!!


中国の出版社Sandu Publishingより刊行されるAsia-Pacific Design Vol.19(APD 19)にて弊社設計の「東鉄総合研修センター」サイン計画が掲載されました。

Asia-Pacific Design (APD)は、2005年に設立されて以来、その使命を「アジア太平洋地域におけるプロフェッショナル・デザインのアーカイブとなること」とし、






Our project, “TOTETSU Training Institute”, has been featured in Asia-Pacific Design Vol.19(APD 19) by Sandu Publishing in China. 

“Becoming an archive of professional design in the Asia-Pacific region” is the mission of the Asia-Pacific Design (APD) since its establishment in 2005, and it has lasted 18 years.

In 2023, the “Asia-Pacific Design 19”
takes “The Humanistic Value of Designers” as the theme to explore creativity, the core value of designers under the wave of emerging AI technologies.
The three multi-level and multi-dimensional programs present high-level works by designers from the Asia-Pacific region. The book contains a total of 458 outstanding works from 15 Asia-Pacific countries, 82 cities, and 284 design entities.

We hope you will take a look at the book.