アメリカのInternational Design Awards 2023(IDA 2023)にてGOLDを受賞しました!
Our project has received the GOLD Award at the International Design Awards 2023(IDA 2023) in the US!!
弊社設計の「東鉄総合研修センター」サイン計画がアメリカのInternational Design Awards 2023(IDA 2023)にてGOLDを受賞しました。
[International Design Awards(IDA)]
2007年にロサンゼルスで設立された国際的なデザインアワードで米国Farmani Groupによって運営されています。
We are excited to announce that our work, “TOTETSU Training Institute”, has won the GOLD Award at the International Design Awards 2023(IDA 2023) in the US.
We will continue to do our best to contribute to society with good design.
[International Design Awards(IDA)]
The International Design Awards (IDA) is an international design award established in Los Angeles in 2007 by Farmani Group, which is based in the US.
IDA recognizes, celebrates and promotes exceptional design visionaries and works to discover emerging talent in Architecture, Interior, Product, Graphic, and Fashion Design worldwide.
The winning works can be found at the following URL.
Our winning work can be found at the following URL.
AWARDAZ Awards 2024(CANADA)でPEOPLE’S CHOICE賞を受賞しました! Our project has been awarded THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE at AZ Awards 2024 in CANADA!!
NEWS事務所を移転しました。 Our studio has been relocated.
AWARD第23回CSデザイン賞にて準グランプリを受賞しました! Our project has won the Quasi-Grand Prix at the 23rd CS design award in JAPAN!!
AWARDロンドンのD&AD Awards 2024にてGraphiteペンシルを受賞しました! Our project has received the Graphite Pencil at the D&AD Awards 2024 in London!!