AWARD第23回CSデザイン賞にて準グランプリを受賞しました! Our project has won the Quasi-Grand Prix at the 23rd CS design award in JAPAN!!
AWARDロンドンのD&AD Awards 2024にてGraphiteペンシルを受賞しました! Our project has received the Graphite Pencil at the D&AD Awards 2024 in London!!
AWARDアメリカのInternational Design Awards 2023(IDA 2023)にてGOLDを受賞しました! Our project has received the GOLD Award at the International Design Awards 2023(IDA 2023) in the US!!
AWARDアメリカのCreative Communication Award 2023(C2A)にてBest of Bestを受賞しました! Our project has received the Best of Best at the Creative Communication Award 2023 (C2A) in the US!!
AWARD世界3大デザイン賞 iF DESIGN AWARD 2023(GERMANY)を受賞しました! Our project has received the iF DESIGN AWARD!!
AWARDThe Good Design Awards 2022 (US) を受賞しました。 Our project has received The Good Design Awards 2022 in the US!
AWARDDFA Design for Asia Awards 2022(Hong Kong)にて金賞を受賞しました。 Our project has received the GOLD Award at DFA Design for Asia Awards 2022 in Hong Kong!
AWARDDezeen Awards 2022(UK)のPublic Voteで大賞に選ばれました! Our project has won the Dezeen Awards 2022 public vote(UK)!!
AWARD世界3大デザイン賞 IDEA 2022(US)でSILVER賞を獲得しました! Our project has received the SILVER award at International Design Excellence Awards 2022(IDEA 2022) in US!!
AWARDDezeen Awards 2022(UK)でショートリストに選出されました! Our project has been selected for the shortlist at the Dezeen Awards 2022 in the UK!!
AWARDTaipei Design Award 2022(TAIWAN)でファイナリストに選出されました。 Our project has been selected for the FINALIST at Taipei Design Award 2022 in TAIWAN.
AWARDThe Best Design Awards 2022(New Zealand)でファイナリストに選出されました。 Our project has been selected for the FINALIST at The Best Design Awards 2022 in New Zealand.